
Medical Gas & Pipeline Systems

Respect Responsibility Competence For Patience Care

About us

Schönn Medizintechnik GmbH is an international company and its scope of business is production of medical devices and equipment, consulting and technical servicing for health sector.

Schönn Medizintechnik GmbH is located in Germany. It acts as a solution partner of health centres to improve the diagnosis and treatment processes and as a result to shorten the time of these processes. Our experienced team always finds out remarkable and acceptable solutions for our cutomers and final patients.


Innovative Design

The Schönn bed head unit is perfectly suited for patient’s rooms and other departments that require suitable lighting, electricity, telecommunications and medical gas outlets at each bed. Unit housing is made of extruded aluminium and powder coated.


Multi-channel construction allowing for the seperation of medical gas an electrical installations, upon completion by aluminium upper, lower and front cover.

Medical vacuum systems complying with HTM 02-01: 
duplex, triplex, quadruplex

Adjustable working system up to 4 pumps., Remote access with Modbus-RTU and connection to Hospital BMS, Colourful, touch-screen and easy-to-use display.

Operation Room

Operation Pendant, Operation Room Surgical Control Panel, Surgical Operating Lamps, Laminar Flow, Wall Trunks

 Medical Gas Terminal Units

Patented Q-Click design enables conversion of terminal units by only changing Main Body in between BS 5682, DIN 13260-2, NF-S 90-116, Swedish Standard SS 8752430(AGA), UNI 9507 and US Standards.


We manufacture the Medical Vacuum Supply System, AGSS Supply System, Medical Compressed Gas Supply Systems (for O2, N2, N2O, CO2 and Air), Medical Air Supply System, Medical Gas Terminal Units and Probes, Oxygen Flowmeters, Vacuum Regulators, Zone Wall Units, Medical Alarm Panels, Operation Room Surgical Control Panels, Intensive Care Units, Pendants, Bed Head Units, Medical Copper Tubes and Fittings.


Schönn Medizintechnik GmbH offers all medical gas supply systems as well as network planning and construction supervision. Our experts and installers are eager for the possibilities of the location and the most effective solutions for gas supply.


Be aware that the most important issue in the world of human health and to serve best quality with the best standards. The correct principle of success through judicious use of knowledge in the field with a well known brand. Together we change the practice of medicine with solutions that secure gas supply system, reduce complications, and improve patients’ lives. 


With the increase in technology, our production capacity is gradually increasing and we are producing newer designs according to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC and Amending Directive 2007/47/EEC Annex II.3


